About The Artist

Jeanette McCracken

As a child I loved drawing and anything arty. I took up painting in the late 90's as a hobby. Since then I've been painting for about 20 years on and off but find I'm still learning every day.

I am mainly self taught so learned the hard way, but have also been through a painting academy.
I use mainly oils, but paint in pastels too which is my secret indulgence.
I like to paint scenes of places that I have been to that have a special place in my heart.
I also share places that people who are close to me have experienced and allowed me to recreate through my vision as an artist.

Each painting I do has a story or a meaning which I would love to share with you.
In this world we live in currently as we cannot go to art exhibitions or travel as we use to we can still travel and experience magical places through an art piece......so come travel with me and lets find some exciting memories for you to 